Monday, November 17, 2008

A change... uhh!!!

I want to touch a little bit about the election that took place on November 4, 2008 in U.S. People came out overwhelmingly to vote as how they saw a change directions in the U.S policy or overall Washington maniac policy. Many others voted for different reasons but whatever the case was it happened and history was made according to many. Others indicated that this is a new era not only for the American politics but foreign policy, policy within American and its race relations, or as others argued that the American dream is on the rise again, or as far as one news contributor put it that after all, all men are created equal. These are the voices, thoughts and opinions that dominated the news media for the last two weeks around the world. Everyone has their opinion and perceptions how this new administration will be different than the dictatorship we had for the last eight years. But then one has to look deep within the American politics and policy towards its own and the world, and then decide the outcome of this new administration. I am not denying that Obama ran one the best campaign in U.S to overcome doubts in order to beat the best and maintain the highest office. This is a man who started his career on the south side of Chicago as community organizer then represented state of Illinois for the senate and before his term ended, occupied the highest seat and made all these campaign promises of changes in each directions; economy, health care, war on terrorism, education, gitmo prison, and foreign policy 'for the better of one region.' His campaign slogans were screaming change directions in Washington and his charmed speeches attracted millions in nation wide. I am curious how his change of policy will change and be different than the one before since all Washington's adhere to the same policy. Are we all fooled for these kind of promises that are made over and over in every election and its outcome becomes non-existence. Are we fall into entrapment for these politicians? or Are we all misguided the slogans of change or it is something that we all know that it will change Washington for the better after all?
As one blogger wrote this paragraph in online article he stated, "For me, it is wrong to support a guy who has very strong opinions about making Jerusalem the undivided capital of the Zionist entity at the expense of the downtrodden Palestinians. It is wrong to support a guy who has picked Joe Biden as Vice President, a staunch supporter of the Zionist Regime and the architect behind the proposal of dividing Iraq into three enclaves. It is wrong to support a guy who has picked Rohm Emmanuel as his Chief of Staff, another staunch supporter of the Zionist Regime and who fought alongside the Israelis army in Palestine. It is wrong to support a man who has renounced his Islamic roots and denies his name just to win an election." It is unbelievable step to take while you preaching that you want to be different than the tenant before you. Picking up the most hardliners and regime supporters in a Washington change-policy. Not to mention that Obama gave speech the most powerful lobbyist group AIPAC "known before Zionist" that he will stand beside Israel for right and wrong and make its interest priority, which definitely makes Israel a state within U.S. I am also sure that he made other promises to others in order to be voted for him. How do you support a regime that occupied an innocent people's land, a one that terrorizes women and children, a one that does a daily air strikes and invasion in tows and villages and one that oppresses others, a regime that's shielded for any shame or wrong doing, what a contradiction change of policy. There are many regimes that do not recognize freedom of any kind and its intellectuals, scholars and politicians are prison janitors. How about a regime that sells its own citizen for the better of gaining money and reputation for a falling empire. How about a policy that does not condemn torture, water boarding, kidnapping, long imprisonment and excessive violent integration. So whoever will benefit the outcome of these promises won the election, which are the AIPAC lobbyist. This is how the plutocracy American government works regards to Israel's policy. The powerful Zionist lobbyist are only interesting its regime. AIPAC is a rich and influential group that declares America must continue to stand by Israel`s side politically, diplomatically and economically. AIPAC trains and educates pro-Israel students across America and develops their leadership skills so that they become effective citizen lobbyists today, and pro-Israel leaders tomorrow.
They often lobby to make the U.S government to give money to its regime, make America fight the regime's wars, and make America protect Israel's regime in the U.N. They work the president and the congress and fortunately they are effective and successful. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that...I want to tell you something very clear: Do not worry American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." quoted by Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres on October 3, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. Since it is not publicly illegal yet in America to pronounce the truth, I will conclude that American politicians are the Zionist regime's puppets. And the rest, you be the judge...

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